The Kids 360 Marketing Programs will help sell incremental product in New England/Albany (all programs), Metro NY/NJ (November program only) and Upstate NY (November program only). Contact your JOH Account Executive or Tara Buoncuore for more information or to schedule an informational webinar.
Kids 360 Frozen Marketing Program – March:
- New England/Albany
- Custom FSI packed with manufacturers’ coupons
- Consumer promotion (Free Grocery Giveaway!)
- Kids 360 microsite featuring your product
- Targeted social media ads
- Social media influencer product promotion, endorsement and tie-in with client’s existing social media page
- A donation will be made to the children’s charity of each client’s and customer’s choice
- JOH HQ Staff leverages program for flyer and in-store messaging
Kids 360 Legacy Marketing Program – November:
- A Legacy program: 17 years and going strong
- Three (3) Custom Free Standing Inserts packed with manufacturers’ coupons:
- NE/Albany
- Metro NY/NJ
- Upstate NY
- Social media influencer product promotion, endorsement and tie-in with client’s existing social media page
- JOH HQ Staff secures ad with key retailers
- Geo-targeted social media ads
- Consumer promotion (Free Grocery Giveaways!)
- Kids 360 microsite featuring your product
- Learn More
Contact your JOH Account Executive or Tara Buoncuore.